I first met Elizabeth at Cooper Fitness Center. I remember shortly after she took one of our classes for the first time I was working with a dancer on a complicated routine. She came into the studio and started doing the routine with zero instruction. Needless to say, we were impressed and knew we were in the presence of a very good dancer. After that I would see her in class occasionally – but she was usually quiet and kept to herself. Cut to the Spring of 2017, and a completely different woman walked into the studio. She was absolutely radiating happiness and positive energy and had lost a significant amount of weight. She now attends class several times a week and has become a great friend. I hope you will enjoy reading more about her journey.
Alana O’Connell: You’ve made an amazing transformation in the last couple of years, and it’s not just physical. You seem so much happier. Can you tell us about it?
Elizabeth Buchanan: I have been a dancer all my life. I began teaching dance and fitness classes at the age of 15, and minored in Dance in College. Several years ago I suffered a significant knee injury and stopped teaching and taking classes – it was devastating, as dance had always brought me incredible joy. In February 2017 I spent a week in Aspen with a dear friend. She looked great and seemed so energetic. She had done the Whole 30 program – she was an amazing advocate and so I began the program immediately after I returned to Dallas. Simultaneously I began studying the enneagram (through my church). I found both Whole 30 and the Enneagram study to be perfectly suited to me and to the way I wanted to live my life. Any other changes you see in me are a result of being around others who have inspired and motivated me. I am so grateful for my old friends and so appreciative of the entirely new group of friends I have met, through DDF, who share my love of dance.
AO: You are so consistent with your workouts. How do you stay motivated?
EB: Dance classes are my primary workouts and they never feel like work. My days truly don’t feel complete without physical activity. I am fortunate that I am an empty nester and have a career that allows me the flexibility to integrate my favorite classes into each day. DDF provides such a warm and inclusive environment and is full of such delightful people. I never want to miss!
AO: I love that you go and check out all kinds of fitness classes when you travel. What’s the most unusual class you’ve tried?
EB: Tough question – I adore all the classes I take and find it hard to pick just one…a few that stand out are Belly Dancing in Miami, Broadway Classes (at Canyon Ranch in Arizona) and in NYC I find something new every trip! Most recently I did Britneycize, Broadway Bodies and AKT. I ALWAYS go back to 305 Fitness in Midtown for the live DJ, strobe lights and Hip Hop. It’s Lit!
AO: What do you like to do in your free time?
EB: In my leisure time I love to spend time with my husband, children and friends enjoying a great meal. Reading by the pool and watching movies are my favorite solitary activities.
AO: Do you have a favorite DDF routine?
EB: I love any with turns or jumps but perhaps “Gold digger” is my favorite.
AO: How has being a member of DDF affected you?
EB: DDF instructors are so inclusive – it truly feels like a community. I feel so grateful to have found these beautiful women of such diverse ages and backgrounds.